Monday, March 10, 2014

10 March 2014

Dear Mom,

It has been a hard week. We haven't been able to visit with a lot of
the promising potentials that we found. Neither has this been the most
loving companionship that I have been in either. There seems to be a
lot of over reacting going on, in the part of my companion. He really
doesn't like it here. No matter what I try and do or say it hasn't
helped. Companionship inventory helped for a time but it seems to wear
off fairly quickly.

Brightyn is almost a year old? That was a fast year. That is so cool.
She really is growing up fast. It's amazing. Who else's birthday is
coming up? I know Logan is at the end of the month hen general
conference is the beginning of next.

It's crazy that general conference is next month. It doesn't seem like
it was all that long ago that we had the October general conference. I
wonder what amazing things will be brought up this time?

Wen have been involved in a big service project as we helped the stake
relief society put together an activity. We did most of the set up and
clean up, and were there to help get people to the right place at the
right time. It was fun to because I got to see some of the people who
I haven't had an opportunity to interact with since I left Williston a
year and a half ago.

Our bishop here went to a conference at which one of the apostles
spoke. He talked about how soon the return of The Lord is and then
proceeded to give tons of instruction for the wards regarding the need
to focus on missionary work. I think we sat and listened to bishop
talk about it for ten minutes during sacrament meeting.

It's been a long time since I sent scriptures home. I can send you
some more if you would like. I have enough space in my current
journals to last for the next 6 moths, probably longer.

Utah and Idaho pray for rain and it rains here. Congratulations your
prayers have been answered. Now next time pray more specifically that
it will rain in your specific state. Now don't get me wrong we still
need rain too but more specific prayer invite more specific answers.

We talked about this scripture last night and how it describes missionaries.
Alma 13:27-29

Love and miss y'all

Elder Ogilvie

Love y'al

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